Upcoming recording with flautist, Laura Chislett. New commissions from Aristea Mellos and Sharon Calcraft
Recording for Toccata Classics with Erin Helyard on 1853 Erard piano. Four Hands at Home TOCN 0031. Covers the many genres of four-hand piano works in their varied roles as domestic ‘info-entertainment’: orchestral works large and small, serious sonatas and variations, showpieces for emerging virtuosi and even a string quartet.
Recording a new set of twelve Piano Preludes by Aristea Mellos
Recording disc of French Four Hands first recordings with Erin Helyard for Toccata Classics at Phoenix Central Park on the 1853 Erard piano.
Recording Alkan on the 1853 Erard piano at Phoenix Central Park for streaming in the Behind Doors series:
- Nocturne in B major Op.22
- Le Tambour bat aux champs Op.50bis
- Notturnino innamorato from No 43 from 48 motifs Esquisses Op.63
- Le chanson de la folle au board de la mer (Song of the mad woman by the seashore) No.8 from Preludes Op.31
- Allegro Barbaro No.5 from Etudes dans les tons majeurs Op.35